Mission Statement

We are called to preach and to teach the totality of the Gospel with divine revelations, joy and in love. To reach and to affect the human spirit, soul and body for complete salvation. We base the call to salvation on Acts 2:38 and Matthew 28:19-20 (King James Version).

It’s our goal to see God’s people dedicated to serve the Lord God in Spirit and In truth, in love and in gladness of heart. Growing in the knowledge of Him, rooted, grounded and well established in the revelation knowledge of His word, so that they can experience victories in their daily endeavor and purpose for their lives.

It’s our dream to raise a people full of life, joy, love for others and treat each other with respect. It’s our dream to raise mighty armies of believers all around the globe, full of zeal and very active to carry out the task of soul winning.

It’s our desire to see all walks of life experience the grace, the unconditional love of God and greater hope for a better future. Therefore, we are very committed to be where the hurting, discouraged, distressed, discomforted, frustrated, confused and hopeless can find mercy, love, hope, acceptance, forgiveness, help and purpose for their lives. From the lowest to the highest regardless their background, age, race and colour of their skin. Helping them spiritually, emotionally, physically, and materially enable they to cash up with the brighter future and purpose God has set up for them.