The ministries


MEN’S MINISTRY : Men’s ministry at moment holds their meetings quarterly every year. The purpose is to find spiritual and physical answers to deal with every challenge that confronts Christian brothers, individually and collectively. Encouraging, inspiring, up-lifting, impacting each other with brave ideas and to light the flames of excellent leadership, visionaries and determination to finish well regardless how chaotic the beginning was, in relationship, in ministry, in business or in whatever profession. It’s one of the exciting moments to lunch together.

WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Women’s ministry is open for all women. It’s a ministry that brings women together, the Married, the Widows, Single mothers and Single Ladies of all ages. They come together every second Saturday of every two month to discuss some important issues that refresh and strengthens their faith.

THE ROYAL KINGDOM YOUTH MINISTRY: The youth ministry is for all singles between the age of 12 to 20 years old. As Christian youths of today faces all kinds of challenge on the outside world. The Royal Kingdom Youth Ministry of All Nations For Christ are very committed in reaching out to one another in God’s love, by sharing some necessary ideas and encouraging each other. That regardless their back ground, the past and where they are today in life, they are going to become the best leaders of tomorrow who shall lead with greater examples and others will follow. Also there are regular youth events that makes the youth ministry very lively and exciting, coupled with inspiring teachings and godly counsel, Bible studies, worship and prayer meetings that makes them champions who courageously face the future with great confidence and the zeal to obtain the divine inheritances God had made available for them.

Children’s Ministry
The Royal Kingdom kids of All Nations For Christ,
Is an atmosphere of fun and learning. It’s a
good place every Kid loves to be and learn more
about God, His love for them, how to praise and
worship Him. It’s an environment meant to
empower kids with the knowledge of God’s word
they need for victorious living as they grow.
We teach them how to pray, godly living, other
Biblical stories and some inspiring songs.

It’s our goal to see millions of souls around the globe
Come to Christ the way they are and their lives
transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and
their spiritual and physical needs met. That’s the
reason why All Nations For Christ is totally committed
to pursue the vision to reach nations for Christ through
seminars, conferences, crusades, street evangelism and other
available means.